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General terms & conditions

This website is a product of Transform Digital, hereinafter referred to as 'TD'. TD does not accept any liability for damage caused by the use of or by information offered by or due to incompleteness in any way.
Great care has been taken in designing and compiling this site. If you encounter problems on our site, please let us know by sending an email. We will then do our utmost to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.
Without prior written permission from TD, the user of this site is not permitted to reproduce or make public the products and/or information services offered on this site.
For the content and scope of the user rights that you have been granted by TD and for the full provisions regarding the scope of TD's liability, reference is made to the general terms and conditions that apply to this site.

In addition to this disclaimer, an email disclaimer is used for e-mail messages.


E-mail disclaimer

TD attaches great importance to the careful preparation and sending of its e-mail messages, with and without attachments. Nevertheless, it is possible that messages are incomplete, contain inaccuracies, are not correctly addressed and / or are received too late. TD accepts no liability for this. Neither can rights be derived from e-mail messages. The information sent in e-mail messages including the attachment (s) is confidential and is intended exclusively for the addressee of these messages. If an e-mail message is not correctly addressed, the sender is requested to inform TD about the incorrect address or receipt via and to remove the relevant e-mail message, including any attachments, from its system. to clear. TD does not accept any liability for damage, of any nature whatsoever, related to risks associated with the electronic transmission of messages, such as damage caused by viruses.


The general terms and conditions apply to all agreements with TD.


These can be downloaded via this website

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